Forums / The hangaround / Revenges Fail Troll Thread

Revenges Fail Troll Thread
08:22:26 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Gockullicus:

I thought Dark knight was the worst film of the year, especially Heath Ledger's performance of 'The Riddler', he didn't even play it that well

The only reason people say he played it well as hes dead

tl;dr ; Heath ledger ruined 'The riddler'

09:08:28 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Crashandburn:

That's bullshit, heath ledger's performance was the best acting i've ever seen. If it weren't for him, the dark knight would have sucked

10:29:32 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Augh:

troll = fail.

10:41:08 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Jet:

lol heath ledger wasnt the riddler idiot lmfao noob penor etc etc

13:42:59 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Invisible Pink Unicorn:

lul nice try, but it's obvious Slumdog Millionaire was the worst movie in 2009. Those sandniggers sure are fucking morons.

13:44:08 Oct 22nd 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Heath Ledger did a great job, one of the best I've ever seen.

13:54:48 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Crashandburn:

I watched the dark knight last year, so it's a 2008 movie not a 2009 movie. And yeah I didn't realise this topic was a troll lol

14:11:26 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

Heath Ledger MADE the Dark Knight. He is the reason why I saw it 3 times.

And he played the Joker, not the Riddler. There is a difference.

14:34:13 Oct 22nd 09 - Sir Pure The Italian Lambo:

I agree actually. Dark knight as a SHIT movie. I mite not say the worst but it would be in the top 3 worst. I reckon he is also correct all cause he's dead thats y he got like a logie or sum shit 4get what one

14:51:43 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

considering he was watching a batman featuring the riddler, means he got conned into believing the "latest" movie was infact a 10 year old batman with Jim Carey as the Riddler, which was crap.

16:37:05 Oct 22nd 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

rev you really are a fail troll
seriously could you possibly get worse?

16:43:09 Oct 22nd 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Pure Italian is stupid too. His performance was PERFECT. PERFECT. He made that movie, the way he performed the role was epic batman/joker. He turned a spoof role, into one to be feared.

16:45:19 Oct 22nd 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Mr. Gockullicus


00:22:26 Oct 22nd 09
I thought Dark knight was the worst film of the year, especially Heath Ledger's performance of 'The Riddler', he didn't even play it that well

The only reason people say he played it well as hes dead

tl;dr ; Heath ledger ruined 'The riddler'

Riddler = Jim Carrey (that was pretty gay in my book, but not as bad as Arnold's Mr. Freeze or Clooney's Batman. XD)

Joker = Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger.

There is a big difference my strange caps lock using friend.

17:22:19 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Ezatous:

terrible trolling.

17:22:50 Oct 22nd 09 - Lady Woopsy Daisy:

let's not forget that Batman and The Dark Knight are actually 2 different series, one being a comic the other classified as a graphic novel

*skips away*

20:55:48 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Sucapeet:

Mr. Jet


11:41:08 Oct 22nd 09 lol heath ledger wasnt the riddler idiot lmfao noob penor etc etc

He played The Riddler you idiot.
Or did you fall asleep and miss most of it, so you didn't see the main plot?

I know alot of people that did, dont worry

21:02:59 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Sucapeet:

Mr. Nathaniel The Great


15:11:26 Oct 22nd 09 Heath Ledger MADE the Dark Knight. He is the reason why I saw it 3 times.

And he played the Joker, not the Riddler. There is a difference.

Wow, another Snoozer who caught highlights.

21:19:53 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Mickey The Ratt:

21:21:27 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Mickey The Ratt:

06:58:04 Oct 23rd 09 - Mr. Twamao:

This is not about batman nubs.  This is about how outrageous Revenge is.  You suck!

13:52:33 Oct 23rd 09 - Duke Random:

lawl at thread name change

14:29:00 Oct 23rd 09 - Sir Pure The Italian Lambo:

Yer loling with random

Wolflord Karac


00:43:09 Oct 23rd 09 Pure Italian is stupid too. His performance was PERFECT. PERFECT. He made that movie, the way he performed the role was epic batman/joker. He turned a spoof role, into one to be feared.

He got way to into the character. This made his performance shit. The actual movie is shit. I know a friend who is a movie critic and at first the ratings were fairly low, not many people liked it. It had a huge first few days with huge fans. It then dead out fairly quickly. When he dead then ratings shot right up. EVERYONE wanted to see his final movie. When like the logies/grammies etc are made they are made from the rating on which the movie gets.

16:04:03 Oct 23rd 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

Troll thread be a trollin'.  Move along, nothing to see here except people embarrassing themselves trolling.

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